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不为人知的西班牙宝地-毕尔巴鄂(Bilbao)【原创】【多图】  2015-09-17   欧亚丝路   欧亚丝路 其实跟大多数国人一样,在来西班牙之前,对其了解也基本停留在首都马德里,奥林匹克浪漫城市巴塞罗那,疯狂的奔牛节,不人道的斗牛,热情的敷朗明哥和香喷喷的海鲜饭。 如今在...


The Basque Cultural Institute (BCI)

The Basque Cultural Institute (BCI) is an association (Act of 1901) founded in April 1990 thanks to the impetus of cultural associations and the financial involvement of the State, Aquitaine Region, the Atlantic Pyrenees Department and the Organisation of Municipalities for Basque Culture.
Château Lota in Ustaritz, home to the Basque Cultural Institute
Located since it was first set up in the municipality of Ustaritz, its aim is to contribute to developing the Basque language and culture in the Northern or French Basque Country. It plays an important role in terms of cultural coordination and structuring, as well as facilitating links between associations and institutions.
Its professional team is made up of 9 employees.
In accordance with its articles of association, the Basque Cultural Institute gives priority to means of expression in the Basque language. These actions can be either directly implemented and managed by the Basque Cultural Institute or proposed and managed by associations with the help of the BCI.

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